Posts in Decision-Making
Leadership Implosions and the Benefits of Blowing Up Your Internal Connections

Do you ever feel like your time and energy are escaping over a bridge to nowhere?

Have you ever considered yourself as CEO…of yourself?

And do you ever feel like proactively setting off a few targeted charges to avoid an uncontrolled explosion later on?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions…or if you just want to understand the benefits of having a team meeting where you’ll address each different version of yourself, then this episode is for (all of) you.

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Leadership PPE and the Hidden Benefits of Safety-Driven Decision-Making

In this episode, we reveal a different type of PPE that will protect your prior successes without becoming a barrier to continued progress.

And we’ll also demonstrate the universal value of a “safety mindset” that can be gained by asking three simple questions:

1) What is actually worth protecting?

2) Am I falling victim to a false sense of security?

3) What hazards can I influence…and which ones are outside of my control?

And, finally, if you're unwittingly investing too much time trying to predict and prevent the hazards that will limit your success instead of spending time improving your ability to respond when things inevitably don't go as planned, we’ll also help you strengthen your adaptability in the face of challenges so that you can take the decisive action expected of great leaders.

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Do the Results of Your Personal Booms and Busts Really Speak for Themselves?

At this point in your life, you are well aware that failures and mistakes are necessary building blocks for long-term success. You have countless experiences to prove that the “best laid plans…often go awry.” And you know that seemingly straightforward data can often be misleading and shouldn’t always be taken at face value.

So why do you instinctively assume that bad results mean that the decision that led to those results was also bad? Why does your embrace of “extreme ownership” and your “no excuses” attitude prevent you from acknowledging the fact that sound decisions sometimes lead to poor results?

In this episode of The Energy Detox, we encourage you to generate more confidence in your leadership and in the decision-making abilities of you and your stakeholders by keeping one question front and center: “Do the results speak for themselves?”

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